
He was the talk of the ward.....again

I don't know what it is about Bo, but he seems to be the talk of our ward quite often.

He went with his Dad on a scout campout on Friday. They went to Meadow Lake. On Saturday morning, they went on a 6 mile hike and he apparently was the pace setter. My husband said it was quite a hike too. He said you went up about 1700 feet in 3 miles so it was pretty steep. Not only was Bo the leader of the pack, he talked non-stop the whole way. Both Ryan and one of the other leaders had to tell them that they had to catch their breath before they could answer his questions. Ryan said that several times, Bo would be so far in front that he would be sitting on the trail waiting for the rest of the group to get there and then would take off again when everyone else sat down to take a break.

At the top of the mountain, there is a book that you can sign. Bo signed his name and age. He was so proud. The funny thing is that my husband couldn't finish the hike because he forgot his anti-inflammatory for his plantar fascitis and had to turn around about half-way up because he couldn't hardly walk anymore. Bo has no problem reminding Ryan that he didn't make it to the top of the mountain.

So we get to church yesterday and we hadn't hardly made it in the door before someone had him stopped and was talking to him about his hike and high-fiving him for finishing it. Several times throughout the day, I heard people make comments about him to other people. When we got home, Ryan said that Bo was the talk of elder's quorum.

I'm so proud of my little man. He will be an awesome scout someday if he keeps it up. He was all about jumping in there with the scouts and helping cook dinner and doing the hike and such.


Shelley said...

HOW CUTE!!! He is a tough little guy! That is such a great picture too! Way to go Bo!