
Out of the mouth of a 4 year old

Holy cow, kids are funny! Here are a couple that i've gotten in the last couple of weeks.

There was a stray dog in our yard the other day visiting our dog. I told my son, Bo, that I didn't know where that dog came from and without missing a beat he said, "I think it came from Hawaii because white dogs come from Hawaii." That dog must have one heck of a set of legs on it. (we live in Idaho)

We were saying our prayers one night and my daughter was helping Bo say them. She said "Please bless those who are sick or afflicted." He said, please bless those who are sick and reflected." Needless to say, I was not the most reverent person during the rest of that prayer.

I guess I ought to tell one on my daughter. The kids were supposed to be downstairs cleaning their bedrooms. This is a task that is very draining on me because every 5 minutes I find myself going downstairs to remind them that they are supposed to be cleaning their rooms, not playing, or fighting. My daughter tends to be a bit of a tattletale on her brother. This day was particularly bad. I told her that I didn't want to hear her tattletale anymore. So he heads downstairs and I was up cleaning the kitchen, when a little while later her head peeks around the banister and she drops a folded piece of paper onto the kitchen floor. I picked it up and opened it. Any guesses on what it said??? "Bo is not cleaning his room!" So apparently, if she doesn't speak it, it is not tattletaling, right???