
Bo's 8th birthday

Eight years ago today, at almost this exact time, we welcomed our handsome little guy into this world.  Bo is such a fun kid. He is also a handful.  He has a great imagination and a fun personality.  He is a brother though, so he does his fair share of pestering his 2 sisters and just loves to entertain Alivia, his baby sister.

Some of Bo's favorite activities are playing the wii, playing soccer, baseball, wrestling. He loves to ride his bike and go swimming.  He loves to ride snowmachines and fourwheelers.  He loves to fish and hike. He loves to go camping and kneeboard and tube. He even loves to read. He hates to clean his room and heaven forbid keep track of his shoes. But he can be a hard worker when he wants to. He ended up with one of the main parts at their end of school program and he worked so hard and was so proud of his part.

He is a good student and probably even better socializer. He is constantly asking to have friends come over or go visit his friends.

We love our little man and hope he has a great birthday!


We lost another great man

My husband's Grandpa Ward passed away this past Saturday. He was such a great and loving man. We will miss him so much. We love you Grandpa!

Byron Charles Ward, 84 died Saturday, August 6, 2011 in Rexburg, Idaho. He was born October 22, 1926 to Charles Clements and Gertrude Stallings Ward. Siblings are: Lila (Joe) Covington; LuDene (Clyde) Lowdy; Glen Ward; Yvonne (Sylvan) Taggart; Wayne (Sandy) Ward; Veda (Bud) Leavitt; Beth Pocock (Wade) Shirley. He married Norma Siddoway on June 4, 1948; sealed in the Idaho Falls Temple June 14, 1949. Parents of; Delvan (Connie) Ward, of Teton, ID; Kristine (Keith) Pryor, of South Jordan, UT; Neil Ward, of Teton, ID; and their sweet special JoAnn Ward. They have 9 grandchildren and 20 great grandchildren. He grew up in Salem near most of his cousins and stayed close to them through out his life. He served in the Infantry division of the Army stationed in Hawaii near the end of World Ward II. After he married Norma they lived in Caldwell until returning to Teton to farm. Later he purchased a dry farm on the Teton Dam Road. He loved farming and used wisdom as well as hard work to raise good crops. Byron was an active member of the Teton LDS 1st Ward and served faithfully in every calling. He served on the City Council and as Mayor of Teton. Many remember him as a strict school bus driver and fun ski bus driver. Byron’s hobbies included fishing, hunting, riding motorcycles, skiing, golfing, camping, and making caramel popcorn and sour dough pancakes. Several of his family have tried to duplicate his recipe but none compare to Byron’s. He enjoyed visiting with the men of Teton at Darrel’s Café and was willing to lend a hand to help anyone. Byron was great friends with all of his siblings and did many things to help them in whatever ways he could. After he retired, if a farmer ever retires, he and Norma spent many winters in Mexico and California. They enjoyed road trips to visit their friends. He quietly took on the difficult task of caring for Norma after she was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. He had a tender heart, was a loving, devoted husband, a patient and wise father, a trusted sibling, and a fun loving friend. He is preceded in death by his Parents; his Wife; Daughter JoAnn; Sister Lila; Brothers-in-law, Joe Covington, Clyde Lowdy and Ralph Pocock. Funeral services will be held at the Teton LDS Chapel, on Wednesday, August 10, 2011 at 11:00am. The family will receive friends Tuesday, August 9th from 6:30 p.m. until 8:30 pm at Bert Flamm Mortuary, (581 E. 1st N., St. Anthony) and again on Wednesday from 10:00 a.m. until 10:45 a.m. before services at the Church. Interment in the Teton-Newdale Cemetery. The family requests any contributions be made to the Alivia Ward liver transplant fund at Bank of Commerce in Rexburg.


What we've been up to

Our sweet Alivia ended up with some health problems that we've been dealing with the last couple of weeks. We spent about 10 days down at Primary Children's hospital where she ended up having major surgery to try to correct a condition called Biliary Atresia. I've set up a blog dedicated to her story here. She is doing much better and we hope that things continue to improve.


Bo has been involved in wrestling and has been busy going to practices and meets. So far he has won 1st place getting a gold metal 2 times. He went to his first big tournement Saturday and got a 3rd place bronz metal.  We are so proud of him. He is a good wrestler, but most importantly, he enjoys it and is having a great time doing it. It is a really good outlet for him.

Kaylee had her piano festival Saturday. This is her 5th festival that she has participated in.  She did awesome! She received a 99, her highest score yet. And she received some very good comments from the judge. We are so proud of her and the hard work she put into learning her songs. She has great potential as a pianist if she will stay dedicated and keep practicing.

Sunday was Raegan's 4th birthday. It is so hard to believe she is 4. She is so much fun. She is our little fireball and is always saying or doing something that just makes us go "What the heck did she just say or do?"  We love her so much and wish her a very happy birthday! I will do a separate post just for her birthday soon.

14 years and still goin strong

Happy Anniversary Honey!


Raegan's point of view

I often get interesting pictures on the camera if we leave it lying around and Raegan gets her little fingers on it. Instead of just deleting them like I usually do, I though I'd share them with you instead. These are just a few of the gems I found. There are usually ALOT of duplicate pictures so I just posted a few...and these are just from stuff in the last month.

I believe these are chicken bones for the cat


Fun with the Johnson's

Ryan's cousin, Russell and Tanya and kids, Megan, Justin, Kristin, and Lauren came up to visit us for about a week in February.  We had so much fun with them while they were here.  They stayed in a hotel so when they first got here, we met them in town and had dinner and then headed to their hotel so the kids could swim.

The next morning, the guys and boys went to a gun show for a couple of hours and then everyone met up at our house and just hung out and visited for the rest of the day.

Sunday, we blessed Alivia

Monday, we headed up to Stonefly Lodge to spend a couple of days playing in the snow and just relaxing.  It was so fun to spend time up there together.  The kids had a ball playing together...except the ones who were sick. Justin and Kristen ended up with influenza while we were there so they didn't have so much fun.  We all took turns riding the snowmachines in a field across the street and we took little trail rides in the area too.  Ryan and Russell then got Justin and Bo out behind the lodge and made a trail down the hill to sled on.  We all hot tubbed a couple of times and played ping pong, air hockey and pool.  We watched movies and played games and read books.  It was great!

We came home on Thursday and some of us took off and went shooting guns while the rest of us hung out at home.  Russell and Tanya left the nxt afternoon and we spent the rest of the weekend trying to recover from all our activities. We were all so exhausted!

baby smiles

We sure love it when she smiles!  She's starting to make a lot more baby sounds too. it is so fun.